Another ‘Cure’ for Cellulite?

July 24, 2002 — In case you’ve attempted it all — creams, pills, knead wraps, suction medications — and are still plagued by cellulite, here’s yet another confident alternative. It’s called dermolysis, and whereas its innovator is energized around it, other stylish surgeons are doubtful. A supernatural occurrence remedy? “I wouldn’t go that distant, but […]

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Report: Success Treating Alzheimer’s Memory Loss

By Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter MONDAY, Oct. 6, 2014 (HealthDay News) — A researcher is reporting victory in a small consider of switching memory problems related with early stage Alzheimer’s illness by employing a complex program of lifestyle changes, supplements and hormones. Of the first 10 patients treated, nine detailed enhancements in memory inside three […]

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Americans Are Flocking to Alternative Therapies

July 22, 2011 — Most Americans believe that medicine medicines are the foremost successful treatments for numerous common illnesses, but a Consumer Reports overview of more than 45,000 people finds that three-fourths of us are turning to elective treatments like yoga and acupuncture. The new report says 38 million grown-ups make more than 300 million […]

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Asperger’s and Violence: Experts Weigh In

Dec. 19, 2012 — Reports that Newtown shooter Adam Lanza had Asperger’s syndrome, a highly functioning form of extreme introvertedness, have driven some to wonder whether that conclusion may have played a part in the mass shooting, which killed 20 children and six adults at a Connecticut rudimentary school last week. As with many cases […]

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High BP In Pregnancy May Reappear Later in Life

By Robert Preidt HealthDay Correspondent THURSDAY, Aug. 27, 2015 (HealthDay News) — Ladies with high blood pressure amid pregnancy are more likely to confront the same health problem later in life, a unused study recommends. The researchers also said they found that the brothers and sisters of these women have a higher risk of tall […]

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Grey’s Anatomy Raises Health Awareness

Sept. 19, 2008 — Television has been called a “tremendous no man’s land,” but there is no denying the power of prime time. Wellbeing educators slipped a message about HIV-positive moms into a story line in the well known TV show Grey’s Life systems. At that point they tested whether watchers got that message. Analysts […]

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Obesity Increases Risk of Deadly Heart Attacks

Feb. 14, 2011 — Weight could be a chance factor for fatal heart assaults even for people who don’t have the conditions normally related with cardiovascular malady, such as diabetes and tall blood weight, a consider shows. Concurring to analysts at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, it shows up that weight in its possess […]

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5 Years Later, Gleevec Fights Cancer

Dec. 6, 2006 — When first introduced in 2001, Gleevec was hailed as a miracle sedate poised to usher in a modern age in cancer treatment. Presently, five a long time later, it appears that guarantee is being fulfilled. The longest follow-up yet of unremitting myeloid leukemial (CML) patients treated with Gleevec shows a survival […]

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Over 46 Million Lack Health Insurance

Aug. 29, 2006 — More than 46 million individuals within the U.S. needed wellbeing insurance in 2005, an increase of 1.3 million since 2004. According to the most recent U.S. Census statistics:45.3 million (15.6% of the population) were uninsured in 2004. 46.6 million (15.9% of the population) were uninsured in 2005. The Census Bureau reported […]

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Breast Cancer Vaccine May Halt Tumor Growth

March 1, 2004 — From Italy, there’s news that a vaccine seems to slow — or indeed halt — the development of breast cancer in mice. It may lead to a unused breast cancer treatment and possibly a new preventive measure, researchers say. It’s another “to begin with” in a worldwide exertion pointed at developing […]

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